Person fits idea, represented as a puzzle piece, into their vision of the future using their PKM framework.

WFH PKM ā€“ Personal Knowlege Management for Work from home

For those who donā€™t know, I want to tell you about Personal Knowledge Management (PKM).

One of my biggest challenges is managing my knowledge. Thereā€™s so much information out there, and itā€™s hard to keep track of everything. But, I know I need to manage my knowledge to succeed. Thatā€™s where PKM comes in. Itā€™s about keeping track of whatā€™s important to you and your work.

PKM is all about organizing and managing your knowledge. It helps you determine the importance of information and how to use it best. PKM can be helpful for WFH workers. Here are some of the benefits:

ā€¢ PKM helps me stay organized and keep track of all the different pieces of information that I need to remember.
ā€¢ PKM helps me make better decisions by providing a systematic way to gather and review information.
ā€¢ PKM helps me share my knowledge with others more.
ā€¢ Finally, PKM helps me improve my learning by identifying gaps in my understanding and helping me find the resources I need to fill those gaps.

Hereā€™s how PKM works: first, I collect information from various sources. Information in your PKM could be anything from news articles to blog posts to conversations with colleagues. Some notes I then organize so I can find them later when needed, while the rest remains in searchable logs. Finally, I use this information to help me make better decisions about my work.

For example, letā€™s say Iā€™m working on a project that requires research on a new topic. Using PKM, I would first collect documents, notes, and other related resources. Next, organize them in a way that makes sense for the project ā€“ this might mean creating folders or tagging them with keywords. Finally, when it comes time to do the research, draw upon these resources ā€“ rather than starting from scratch ā€“ which saves me time and allows me to produce better work.

There are many ways to do PKM, but the basics are pretty simple. First, you need to identify the sources of information that are most relevant to your work. Sources could be websites, books, articles, people you know, etc. Once youā€™ve identified your sources, itā€™s time to start collecting and organizing the information in a way that makes sense for you.

Designing your PKM system is where things can get a bit more personal ā€“ thereā€™s no one right way to create a PKM system. Some people like using apps or software programs, while others prefer old-fashioned pen and paper. I like combining digital and analog methods ā€“ it works best for me. But whatever method(s) you choose, the important thing is that they work for YOU. The goal is to find a system that helps YOU be more productive and efficient in your work-from-home life! Make sure to revisit the design of your system and update it as needed based on whatā€™s changed in your life or business. Thatā€™s it! Those are the basics of Personal Knowledge Management ā€“ super simple but effective if you try it.

4 Step PKM for WFH Workers


WFH knowledge workers need to be able to collect information and knowledge from a variety of sources, both online and offline.

  • This includes curating content from the internet, saving emails and chat threads, and maintaining a personal knowledge base.


WFH knowledge workers need to be able to take time to reflect on the information and knowledge they have collected.

  • This means thinking about what the information means, how you can use it, and how it fits into their current understanding of the world.


WFH knowledge workers need to be able to organize the information and knowledge they have collected in a way that makes sense for them.

  • This includes creating systems for storing and retrieving information and methods for classifying and categorizing information.
    • This includes tagging, sorting, and creating taxonomies or folksonomies.


WFH knowledge workers need to share the information and knowledge they have organized with others who might find it helpful.

  • This includes writing blog posts or articles, sharing presentations or case studies, participating in online discussion forums, or collaborating on projects with remote team members

Overall, PKM is an excellent tool if you want to:
ā€¢ be more organized
ā€¢ make better decisions
ā€¢ share knowledge more
ā€¢ improve your learning process.

PKM has helped me immensely when working from home. I can get more done and be more organized since adopting this way of working. Hopefully, PKM can help you too!

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